
Monday, March 22, 2010

This Healthcare fight? I just don't get it.

I just have trouble understanding this epic battle over health care and I really don't understand the people who declare they're moving to Canada because it passes.  For one thing--really?  You are really going to pick up your family, your entire life and relocate because the health care reform bill passed the House?  And you're going to Canada?  A country that has had universal health care since 1960 something?  What?  You can't wait for ours?

My sarcasm aside, I do recognize that some people have legitimate concerns but yelling racial slurs at a congressman is not going to address those concerns.  It just makes you--the person who did this--look like an ignorant bigot.  And why would anyone want to listen the concerns of someone like that?  The same goes for the individuals who made derogatory comments about the sexual orientation of another congressman--under no circumstances is that acceptable.  Did they think that this behavior would make them change their votes?  I don't get it.

For some reason, I just do not think that this is what the founding fathers had in mind when they envisioned their successors exercising their right to assemble and their right to free speech.  Evidently no one told these folks that you catch more flies with honey and that when you must resort to insults to make your point, the point must not be very strong.  And seriously, people, yelling it louder does not make you right.  It just makes me change the channel or tune you out.

I also fail to see how disseminating hate benefits anyone.  That's all that some politicians and media personalities seem to be doing--fueling dangerous fires.   Ironically, many do this while professing to be good Christians.  A line from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird sums this up beautifully.  "Hypocrites, born hypocrites."  I hate to see these individuals set our society back decades for personal gain. 

Now, I do have some concerns about how the end product will turnout but I really have trouble seeing how it is going to be worse than what we have and one group I trust even less than the politicians is the insurance companies.  Some of the nonsense that they have been allowed to do as standard business practices...inexcusable.  Based on what I have read, there's a reason they've been screaming so loud.  They're not going to be able to continue those inhumane practices.

That being said, if my students will have the medication they need, even though their parents cannot afford to buy it out of pocket, then I'll be happy.  I have one student who has been climbing the walls for weeks because his mother--a hairdresser--has been unable to afford his ADD medication.  I have another whose parents have to choose which medicine to buy each pay period--her ADD meds or her asthma controller.  Both her parents work but do not have health insurance, can't afford to purchase their own but make too much money for a medical card--instead they try to juggle the meds and hope that the prescriptions last as long as possible.These are not decisions that parents should have to make. 

I just don't see how it is going to be worse than the hodge-podge abyss of private coverage and medicare/medicaid that we already have.

I just don't get it.

I just don't think that this is going to end the world as we know it.  After all, the majority of the industrialized countries of the world have had it for many years without descending into total anarchy. 

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